Work with me.

  • Coaching

    Ailish coaches people who are trying to live a purposeful and joyful life. If you want to deepen your self-knowledge and forge your own path, then coaching can help you build the confidence and capability you need. Now taking on clients for 2024 (including corporate coaching).

  • Inclusion & Equity

    Ailish is a consultant, speaker and trainer with expertise in building cultures of allyship and inclusion, particularly for the LGBTQ+ community. If you’re looking for a queer / intersectional lens for a project, or some training to support your inclusion work, get in touch.

  • Outdoors

    Queer Out Here is the outdoor adventure gang founded by Ailish in 2020. They organise transformational experiences in the outdoors for groups, workplaces and individuals which support wellbeing, resilience and community bonding. Get in touch to organise your own restorative walk.


inclusion and equity projects

Clients I’ve worked with say:

“The most important thing I took from the coaching journey is understanding exactly what makes me happy. This helped me to put my creative project front and centre. The coaching sessions also gave me the practical tools I needed to plan my project”

— J

“I would for certain recommend Ailish to others. I have found our time together invaluable. Our sessions gave me interesting insights to how I work best which I can use in different parts of my working and personal life. The outcome from our sessions has had a massive impact on my mental well-being and happiness.

— Hannah

“Now that I have a better understanding of what I value, I think it's given me the motivation and confidence to pursue things in line with that.

Ailish has a really good sense of humour which takes the formal edge off and made me feel more relaxed.”

— Niall